You Have No Say in How Your Assets Get Distributed

OK, here in the United States you still have the ability to determine where your assets go, but in France, all children of the decedent must get a share of the estate. The hell you say. I am not giving my ungrateful child a penny. Well, according to this articleWhile freedom of testation and the testator’s intent are key aspects in the disposition of property in America, French law provides for a mandatory forced share given to all the testator’s children.

Some people go to great lengths to disinherit their children. There is this guy who left $100 million that wasn’t actually distributed for 92 years. According to this article, Wellington R. Burt, a multi-millionaire “stipulated that the majority of his fortune would be distributed 21 years after his last surviving grandchild’s death.”That granddaughter died in 1989. Now 12 descendants will split the fortune, estimated at $100 million to $110 million.” “That granddaughter died in 1989. Now 12 descendants will split the fortune, estimated at $100 million to $110 million.”

Imagine being so pissed at your children that you decide to disinherit not only them but their children as well so as to pass the money on to their great-grandchildren. How American.

I hope that we in America never get to the point where we cannot decide how our money gets distributed. I am sure that there are plenty of people that would prefer the French system. Without naming names, we all know who they are. We’ll see how this turns out.